Current Affairs, Law, NSA, Privacy, surveillance, terrorism
Author: Tara
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Criticism, Current Affairs, education, future, international law, IT security, Law, Privacy, regulation, surveillance
Turkish Internet Rules Spark International Controversy
anonymity, Constitution, Current Affairs, Cyber Command, deterrence, education, future, Law, NSA, Official Policy, Privacy, surveillance
Cyber Roundup: Including More Updates from President Obama’s January 17th Speech
Constitution, critical infrastructure, Criticism, Current Affairs, cyber attack, deterrence, education, Iran, IT security, Law, NSA, Official Policy, Stuxnet, surveillance, technology
Cyber Round Up: Holder says NSA programs legal; Snowden nominated for Nobel; Iranian officials concerned with oil industry’s cyber safety
NSA Programs “Dishfire” and “Prefer” Collected and Analyzed Millions of Text Messages Globally
Criticism, Current Affairs, education, future, international law, Law, regulation, technology
Lawfare Blog: “The Continuing Struggle for Control in Cyberspace—And the Deterioration of Western Influence”
critical infrastructure, Current Affairs, cyber attack, education, future, Law, Legislation, Official Policy, Privacy, technology
Cyber Roundup: Russia’s Cyberstrategy Open for Comment; UK Launches “Cyber Streetwise” Campaign; Apple Co-Founder Speaks on Behalf of Xiaomi, Inc.
anonymity, Current Affairs, Legislation, Privacy, technology
Snapchat Hacked, Hires Lobbying Firm
critical infrastructure, Current Affairs, cyber attack, deterrence, education, future, Privacy, Tallinn Manual, technology
Cyber Roundup: Route Hijacking Ups Its Game; Advice from a “White Hat Hacker”; Australian Government Data Found on Privately Sold Memory Cards
Constitution, Current Affairs, Law, NSA, Privacy, surveillance