Crossroads Blog | Institute National Security and Counterterrorism


Pentagon seeking ‘rules of engagement’ for cyber-war: USA Today

Jim Michaels reports for USA Today on how the Pentagon “is putting the finishing touches on rules that will give military commanders clearer authority if they have to respond to an enemy cyber-attack.”  For those keeping tally at home, DoD has been putting finishing touches on these cyberwar ROEs for over a year now.  Every month a new article comes out saying that the ROEs are right around the corner and should be released in the next coming weeks.  I’m not criticizing DoD for taking its time on something so complex and important, but rather, laughing at the monthly promise that the ROEs will be released shortly.  Again, these ROEs were to be “released shortly” back in March 2012.

Anyways, the USA Today article noted that “[t]he rules will be secret and cover more conventional combat as well.”  Moreover, the ROEs will “make it easier [for military commanders] to take action without clearing it at the presidential level.”

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