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Cyber Round Up: Internet Insecure because Flaw in Language, EU Adopts Net Neutrality Legislation, CISA Passes Senate

  • Internet Insecure because Flaw in Language (Wall Street Journal):  The core issue behind the security of the internet, or in this case, the lack of security of the internet is caused by a flaw in the language used to move digital information to and from its destination, according to the Wall Street JournalAccording to the article, this “map of routes” is controlled by a language called the border gateway protocol (“BGP”).  There have already been a few a attacks using this flaw, WSJ reported.  The article identified that one such attack involved the rerouting of traffic from Level 3 Communications Inca., a U.S. carrier, which disrupted services to millions of users.  The full article can be found here.
  • EU Adopts Net Neutrality Legislation (CNet):  The European Parliament voted to adopt legislation to govern net neutrality, CNet reported.  The adopted legislation, however, does not include provisions that would have prohibited companies from paying to have their traffic “prioritized in fast lanes”, according to CNet.  The concept of net neutrality is centered on creating a system where companies are on “equal footing” concerning online traffic, the article explained.  The full article can be found here.
  • CISA Passes Senate (USA Today):  The Senate approved the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (“CISA”), USA Today reported.  The bill, which is strongly opposed by privacy advocates, encourages private companies to share cyber threat information with other private companies, as well as the government, according to the article.  The bill shields companies from lawsuits brought by consumers and shareholders for sharing the information, the article explained.  This bill follows two similar bills approved earlier this year by the House, continued the articleAccording to the article, the next step will be for CISA to be reconciled with the two other bills, then will go back to both chambers for final approval.

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