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Cyber Roundup: Route Hijacking Ups Its Game; Advice from a “White Hat Hacker”; Australian Government Data Found on Privately Sold Memory Cards

A recent research study revealed that memory cards being sold on the Internet contained sensitive Australian government data.  According to the study, “It is evident that actions must be taken by second[-]hand auction sites[] and the media to raise awareness and educate end-users on how to dispose of data in an appropriate manner.”

A December 2, 2013 draft of summit conclusions reports that European Union leaders will call for more cooperation on the issues of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and cybersecurity during the meeting in Brussels this month.  Specifically, the cyber measures will likely include increased protections against hackers for public and private websites, according to Bloomberg Technology.

CSM and cybersecurity experts say that last year hackers diverted data streams from US financial entities and foreign governments and rerouted the traffic abroad where it could be easily monitored and altered.  According to Doug Madory, a Renesys expert, “Route hijacking has been around for a long time, but it’s typically been accidental, brief, and highly public.  What we’re seeing now is subtle, almost impossible to detect—a man-in-the-middle set up to intercept data over relatively long periods of time: several hours or even an entire day.  It looks like a targeted attack by either a criminal organization or nation state.”

NATO is now offering a course on the International Law of Cyber Operations that builds largely on the Tallinn Manual.  The course will be offered twice in 2014.

Kaspersky Lab, the Russian cybersecurity company, named the top cyber security threats of 2013 toward the turn of the year.  The top of the list included: cyber espionage, Advanced Persistent Threat malware campaigns, and hacktivist organizations, according to Forbes.

Also from Forbes:
Self-proclaimed “White Hat Hacker” Asher DeMetz offers three tips for protecting yourself or your company from cyber threats: (1) “Lock your windows,” meaning don’t overlook the importance of egress filtering in addition to ingress filtering; (2) Don’t issue master keys, i.e. local administrator passwords; and, (3) “Block Up Openings” by using the latest patches for your systems.

FBI News Blog reports that Brian Curtis Hile, 29, has been sentenced to the five-year maximum allowed by law for interstate stalking “in a bizarre case of online romance gone bad.”  Read the full story here.

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