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cyber attack, regulation

After Stuxnet, the new rules of cyberwar: Computerworld

On 11/5, Computerworld’s Robert L. Mitchell wrote a very comprehensive article on the issues behind destructive malware, critical infrastructure owner’s lacking response, and information-sharing.  The article doesn’t cover anything new, but does offer a great overview.

Via Computerworld’s Mari Keefe, a timeline of significant cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, 1982-present.

Finally, Computerworld’s Martyn Williams on how DHS is suggesting that “[g]roups of companies in the same industry could mitigate the effects of cyberattacks by pooling infrastructure resources and working together on security issues.”


While we’re talking cyberattacks and the private sector, Nicole Blake Johnson reported for Federal Times on a WashPo sponsored mock cyber exercise.  The exercise simulated a cyberattack on an oil company.  Interestingly, the person playing the oil company CEO was hesitant about sharing information with the government before “understand[ing] the regulatory impact and legal liabilities. . ..”

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