Crossroads Blog | Institute National Security and Counterterrorism


The Bit Stops Here: Accountability Mechanisms in Cyber Space, March 10th event in Syracuse, NY

Thu, March 10, 12pm – 1pm at 204 Maxwell Hall, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA.

Shiu-Kai Chin
Meredith Professor, L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science, Syracuse University

Lisa Dolak
Angela S. Cooney Professor of Law, Syracuse University College of Law

CYBER DIALOGUE SERIES: Cyberspace presents both immense promise and grave risks. The same technology that provides new opportunities for economic growth and for the free exchange of ideas worldwide also enables new threats. According to the White House, the status quo is no longer acceptable, and the national dialogue on cybersecurity must begin today. Syracuse University joins this dialogue with a series of luncheon discussions co-sponsored by the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism (INSCT) and the Center for Information and Systems Assurance and Trust (CISAT). We hope you can join us. Lunch will be provided.


  1. In life you cannot have it all. Cyberspace may offer us opportunities for economic growth and yet there are also risk involved. In every aspect there is always risk but it is now duty to make those risk minimal and cannot affect the whole system.

  2. In life you cannot have it all. Cyberspace may offer us opportunities for economic growth and yet there are also risk involved. In every aspect there is always risk but it is now duty to make those risk minimal and cannot affect the whole system.

  3. In life you cannot have it all. Cyberspace may offer us opportunities for economic growth and yet there are also risk involved. In every aspect there is always risk but it is now duty to make those risk minimal and cannot affect the whole system.

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