Crossroads Blog | Institute National Security and Counterterrorism

Current Affairs, Official Policy

Government devotes more brainpower and money to cybersecurity

Government devotes more brainpower and money to cybersecurity.  Walter Pincus of the Washington Post reported on Tuesday, 6/22/10 that: "Cybersecurity, fast becoming Washington's growth industry of choice, appears to be in line for a multibillion-dollar injection of federal research dollars, according to a senior intelligence official."

Dawn Meyerriecks, deputy director of national intelligence for acquisition and technology, said that three themes are to be stressed in this upcoming cybersecurity research agenda: 1) "tailored trustworthy spaces," which means creating different security levels for different government and non-government Internet activities; 2) "moving targets," in which the search is for security systems that change constantly to increase uncertainty for hackers; and 3) "economic incentives," which involves seeking to find ways to motivate users to adopt cybersecurity defenses.

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